2016 | •• ♡ Dad ♡ ••

To my beloved father

posted this on my public Facebook. 

You’re always with me Dad. Every step I take and every breathe I take. I wish I could hug you, I wish I could hear your voice. I wish I could see you smile. Dad, protect us all but mostly over mama! I love you Dad and I can finally relax just a little bit now when I know you are home where you now belong ~ together with the nature and the earth. My angel, protect us, guide us, be our guardian angel. Dad, my hero, my father ~ I’m proud of you. I wish you were here instead of up in the heaven and walk around on the clouds.

Wait for me dad when it is my turn to go. Please be standing in front of the gate with your arms open when its my turn to go. I will run up to you and hug you but I will never let you go. You left me once, I’m not allowing that again. 
I wish I could sit on a cloud next to you, looking down  on the people on earth with you. Laugh, smile and have that father/daughter time. Just be able to sit next to you would make me the happiest girl. 
I love you Dad, and please protect mama ♡

14 thoughts on “To my beloved father

      1. Yeah that’s true. I wish I could write all the time but most of the time it’s blank you know. And I don’t wanna write so much in the blog because it’s supposed to be a happy and a positive blog but lately it hasn’t been that 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If not blog than start writing a personal diary.

        Because after many years, these good and bad expereince will make you a better person so feel free to write them.

        Positivity and negativity lies within us. A positive person will think positive even in the worse situation and negativity , they never came to an end!!!!

        So be positive even in youe negative times…be happy☺

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you! Oh I wish I could write in a personal diary but I can’t. I have to many family members that snoops around in my apartment. But thank you!

        Yeah that’s true but sometimes the negativity takes over the positivity of a person you know and for me it is like that at this moment.


        Liked by 1 person

      4. You are welcome dear☺☺☺☺

        I can understand but here you are free to share all you views and openions…people here are good enough to understand you and your emotions as well☺☺☺

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you! Yes the people here is amazing! No one judge and I can write what ever I want and I really appreciate that you know. I have a place where I can post what ever I want without getting judged. Feels so good. 😊😊😊

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